How good is your game finger?

In Games

For those that don't know, game finger is essentially how fast you can manually press a single button, good in games such as Ice Hockey or Caveman Games.

Personally, I can pull about 13+/sec by stiffening my index finger, placing my thumb on top and make it shake by muscle tension.

My question to you is: How fast do you average/sec and what's your secret?

13+? 13+ what? presses a second?

I personally have no idea how fast I am, but I know I'm more than fast enough for anything that needs it I think my method is more or less the same though.

When I have to press a button really fast I lay a bit of cloth over the buttons and rub over it. So I get up to 200 hits in 10 seconds.

I can hit about 45-50 in 10 seconds. I have hyper activity i swear.

Button mashing, huh?

What I tend to do is hit both of the buttons at the same time, but with my index finger on button B, and my middle finger on button A. I rock back and forth on them very quickly like I'm playing bass. Even if it's only one button that needs pressed, that's how I do it and it seems to work for me. My fingers have gotten quite fast from the instrument!

I've been known on occasion to do what Manuel does with the rubbing (that sounds weird). I don't use any cloth when I do that method, though. It really starts to hurt! My "Bass" method is usually how I do it.

It doesn't hurt when you use a cloth (e.g. your t-shirt or so).

For those that don't know, game finger is essentially how fast you can manually press a single button, good in games such as Ice Hockey or Caveman Games.

Personally, I can pull about 13+/sec by stiffening my index finger, placing my thumb on top and make it shake by muscle tension.

My question to you is: How fast do you average/sec and what's your secret?

Hahaha, that's the EXACT same method I use. When I was younger, I was the only one out of my friends that could break diamond in Mortal Kombat because of this technique. I also had no problem surviving the electroshock torture in Metal Gear Solid.

Personally, I can pull about 13+/sec by stiffening my index finger, placing my thumb on top and make it shake by muscle tension.

That's the method I use and it works very well for me in Track and Field...I wouldn't know how to go about timing such a thing though...

Like 5 taps a second