My freind made this forum...

In Advertise Your Site

If you have any ideas for him or anything to edit. Plz speak up

My adVice is to not put the "~" business before and after the different sub forums, it makes it hard to read.

The colors are a bit hurtful on the eyes. The GS logo especially kills the eyes.

I also think the color scheme would be a point. It should be more eye-friendly.

I actually may join him on his forum. I like it. Nothing is too wrong.

He wanted blue so thats what I could find, I am going to try and change the color soon though.

I found it good really. Nothing i can really find wrong.

Probably cause I changed the color Bg righ after that post

Is the new skin any better?

Yes, it's better now.

We have FINALLY got a good artist to make our banner and have improved a lot!